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Product: Sinuosa (NightLight)

Available Models: Vase/Lamp

Category: Lighting

Material: Marble

Body Dimension: 37×10×10 cm

Weight: ~5 kg

Design Decription:

Could a material solely form the content of a design without following any particular function or referencing to a subjective concept? If we consider the capitals of ancient Greek’s architecture in triple orders of (Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian) as stone classical sample works that, despite sculptures and other artifacts, are formed based on design (as perceived today) and a preplanned plan; the fact that the mentioned works were considered to have a masculine and feminine identity while having autonomy and being abstract is notable. The proportions, direct lines or curves, and form’s details are involved in forming such a character and it seems where even the object’s function does not determine the form, gender is one of the first properties of stone structures that is based on design.

Sinuosa’s design is a practical and subjective experience to apply the proportions and the details that questions the certainty of this planar quality and symbolically showcases this uncertainty in a modern stone artifact. On the one hand, this work owes its existence to the classical history of stone design, and on the other hand, it’s against it. The form of Sinuosa’s outer shell is completely uniform and is resulted from the conformity of two opposite patterns: first, a fluid, flexible and asymmetrical pattern with variable curved sections, and second, a prism with central symmetry and similar square sections with internal angles of 90 degrees. By overlapping these two layers, we achieve a hybrid form that could not be broken down into the opposing elements of its constituent and, while being random, is precisely a function of the logic of its environmental vectors.

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